Reminders of why we do the things we do…
Thank you to all who have been so patient and understanding…
Recently our family has suffered the loss of family members. It has been difficult to keep moving forward, but what it has done is to remind us of the things in life that truly matter.
Why did we feel the need to start The SPACE? What were our driving goals and values? Who are we doing this with? And Who are we doing this for?
In reflecting on these questions, and evaluating our capacity, it is abundantly clear that the reason we began The SPACE is to create a place for us to be together and build community. Community that can hold us during these difficult times, but also be with us to build the fun times. We create these spaces so we can sit around as we share skills and knowledge and so we can remember the people who taught us these things. Our biggest goal is to bring people together, our driving value is to strengthen our community. We are doing this with those we love and care about and consider our friends. We are doing this for our future, our past and all those around us that want to do better and elevate each other so that our community will be a better place for all.
So please, bring all of you and join all of us as we come together at