Our Team

  • Social Media, Lele Lopez

    An activist, land and water protector, Youth Leader and Cultural Educator. Lele has an eye for art, and composition, her connection to our natural world is reflected in everything she does. As our Director of Social Media, she will bring you new and exciting content so you will always know what is happening at The SPACE!

  • Director, MariaElena (Mia) Lopez

    A Cultural Educator in our area for the last 25+ years, creating this organization made sense and almost brought itself to fruition. The SPACE is the dream of many people who wanted to provide more for their community but were already working full time jobs as well as working for the benefit of our Tribal Community. I was able to take the time out to get it going. I look forward to meeting and sharing SPACE with all of you!

Mentions and Collaborations

Teaming Up with NOAA

October, 2023

At Sea, Land Acknowledgements Still Apply

During NOAA Ocean Exploration’s 2023 EXPRESS: Exploration of Central California Coast expedition, NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer traveled through the waters adjacent to the ancestral lands of numerous California tribes. As a member of the Coastal Band of the Chumash Nation and the expedition’s at-sea science team, Mia Lopez felt strongly about acknowledging and honoring the traditional stewards of the waters upon which we sailed and within which we explored.

An Interview with UCSB Grad Student

March 20, 2024

Megan Sheard is a Ph.D. student in the History of Art and Architecture Department. Her research focuses on the materiality of early Tasmanian architecture, in the context of colonial transformation of Aboriginal landscapes and larger webs of regional and imperial trade.


The Environment Is Not B-Roll: Critical Ecomedia Justice for Makers, a Story Back Initiative

April 7, 2024

Mia Lopez and Janet Walker

Mia Lopez (Coastal Band of the Chumash Nation) and Janet Walker (non-Indigenous ally) have been talking together for a number of years.

Here we continue and extend our collaboration…